Amazon Prime Day – It is that time again!

Amazon Prime Day shopping celebration
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Let’s do it! Wow, it is July already and that means it is time for Amazon Prime Day. What is it? Let’s just call it a mega selling day online, similar to Black Friday or the Chinese Single Sales Day, but this is happening all around the world! Amazon Prime Day Early Access – Echo Devices This time around Amazon […]

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Awesome host family ?!? Do not fall for a fake host family!

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It seems to be that time again when every time I open Facebook and see a post by a fake host family and sometimes I even in get an email… They are announcing wonderful families with one or two kids, in a great location, hardly any work to do, sometimes even just saying they need a “driver”, are offering a […]

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Au Pair Guest-post: Why I decided to give my life a pulse

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We promised you to publish more stories, more of YOUR Au Pair stories. Today we get started with Carlotta’s decision to become an Au Pair. Have you ever felt like you wanted to be anywhere but where you are? Have you ever wanted to begin something new, to leave your everyday life? Have you ever felt like you’re not living […]

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Fake hostfamilies – do not fall for them!

Fake hostfamilies
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It seems to be that time again when fake hostfamilies appear on Facebook and sometimes even in email-inboxes. They are announcing wonderful families with one or two kids in a great location, sometimes even just saying they need a “driver”, or offering a position without an agency and with higher pay. Do NOT fall for them!

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The 9/11 Memorial – Today, 14 years ago…

never forget
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It was a crisp, sunny, September morning. Leaves where changing on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls where we had spend three great days exploring the town, riding the Maid of the Mist, driving up and down Niagara River, visiting the butterfly museum, and taking the Aero Car over the whirlpool. I was visiting my boyfriend L one year after […]

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Lebensmittel und Produkte – Gibt es in den USA…? Ergänzt Fehlende und Funde!

Lebensmittel und Produkte
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Häufig kommt die Frage auf welche Lebensmittel, Süßigkeiten und andere Produkte es in den USA gibt. Daher will ich das heute mal ein wenig beleuchten. Die USA sind jedoch nicht nur ein relativ kleiner Staat und daher kann es ganz schnell zu regionalen Unterschieden bei den Produkten und deren Verfügbarkeit kommen – dies ist schon daran zu erkennen, das es […]

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8 tips for future AuPairs in the USA

View over New York
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Previous AuPairs (we like to be called Returnees) can often provide plenty of interesting thoughts, tips, and reminders for future AuPairs. Here are 8 tips for future AuPairs in the USA: Tip #1 – Don’t limit yourself to certain areas! Locations in California, Florida, or big cities like New York are always in high demand when I hear future AuPairs […]

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Ideas to keep in touch with your family and new AuPair-friends

Business cards
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So you are getting ready to leave your home country and become an AuPair in a different country. You are probably going through ups and downs of moods and feelings because you are going to leave your family and friends behind and you are going to meet lots of new people and live with a family that you hardly know. […]

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