Reisen mit Kind – Erfahrungen mit Bus, Bahn, und Co.

reisen mit kind
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Reisen, ob kurz (auch zum Supermarkt, zum Park, oder zur Bücherei) oder lang (einige Tage oder sogar Wochen), ob im Auto, mit dem Bus, der Bahn, oder im Flieger, ob mit den AuPair-Kindern oder mit den eigenen Kindern, ist immer eine anstrengende Sache – aber man kann sich vorbereiten!

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Töpfchentraining – Potty Training: Erfahrungen AuPair & Mutter

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Es gibt innerhalb Deutschlands zahlreiche Ansätze zum Thema Töpfchentraining. Schaut man sich dann auch noch im Ausland um wird es noch interessanter. Windelfrei am Tag vs. Windelfrei in der Nacht sind voneinander getrennt zu beachten, soviel habe ich gelernt. Aber wer wieviel Zeit investiert ist doch sehr unterschiedlich. Töpfchentraining durch unsere Mutter (“im Westen”) Wir sind in Westdeutschland groß geworden, […]

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The 9/11 Memorial – Today, 14 years ago…

never forget
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It was a crisp, sunny, September morning. Leaves where changing on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls where we had spend three great days exploring the town, riding the Maid of the Mist, driving up and down Niagara River, visiting the butterfly museum, and taking the Aero Car over the whirlpool. I was visiting my boyfriend L one year after […]

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Back to School and Graduation with an invitation

Back to school and graduation
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It’s time for “Back to school” Well actually it is a very mixed back to school time this year. Many kids are already back to school for a few weeks, others like the ones around us (Rockaway, NJ) are heading out to school this week and next. When I was an AuPair, Labor Day set the end of the summer […]

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Summertime, heat, and kids in the car

car temperatures
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Finally! Summertime!!! Well some of you may have already realized that summertime also means no school and therefore adapted work-hours. In a previous post I gave you already some recommendations of what to do with kids during the summer (Summer ideas for kids from camps to workshops) and today I want to talk about a typical thing AuPairs do – […]

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Lebensmittel und Produkte – Gibt es in den USA…? Ergänzt Fehlende und Funde!

Lebensmittel und Produkte
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Häufig kommt die Frage auf welche Lebensmittel, Süßigkeiten und andere Produkte es in den USA gibt. Daher will ich das heute mal ein wenig beleuchten. Die USA sind jedoch nicht nur ein relativ kleiner Staat und daher kann es ganz schnell zu regionalen Unterschieden bei den Produkten und deren Verfügbarkeit kommen – dies ist schon daran zu erkennen, das es […]

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8 tips for future AuPairs in the USA

View over New York
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Previous AuPairs (we like to be called Returnees) can often provide plenty of interesting thoughts, tips, and reminders for future AuPairs. Here are 8 tips for future AuPairs in the USA: Tip #1 – Don’t limit yourself to certain areas! Locations in California, Florida, or big cities like New York are always in high demand when I hear future AuPairs […]

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Communication with your host-family

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Communication with your host-family is a very important topic. Check out my 5 tips how to improve your communication with your host-family! Here is the video on our Youtube-Channel:  And here is the link to the Facebook-Post: Communication with your host-familyA quick video with 5 tips to communicate with your host-family! Post your own for future AuPairs!5 Tips die Kommunikation […]

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Summer ideas for kids from camps to workshops – free ideas available

kids in sand
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School is (almost) out and you are wondering what to do with your kids over the summer? Maybe you can dig them into the beach-sand like I did? If this is not an option, many websites offer summer ideas for kids. They are collecting ideas and I want to bring some together so you don’t have to search all over. […]

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