Changes coming… Life after being an AuPair

You may have noticed a long gap between posts on our website and it’s life happening to us… Changes are ongoing and coming… Please read on – you may be able to help us, too!
What is going on?
As you may know, we three original AuPairs from Crazy-AuPairs have been home for a while. We finished our years, studied, traveled, and are all settled with our loved ones. Changes keep coming while we still feel connected to the AuPair community and believe we can provide support and insight.
This support and insight has changed over the years, from more direct AuPair information to post-AuPair experiences and recommendations. And we keep evolving through our current life’s but want to stay in touch with the future and current AuPairs as well.
Changes coming
Well, for one, I (Anja) am pregnant – I just entered the 3rd trimester (here is a video of our baby announcement 🙂 ) and I have a lot on my mind, including my soon-to-arrive baby, all the differences of culture and doctors between the US and Germany, and the house we bought in June and are fixing up. This is taking a big toll on my internet-time, preparations, and the frequency I/we are posting. I know that once the baby arrives, time will be even more precious.
I also want to keep providing you with useful information before, during, and after your AuPair-year. Because I will have less time to search and post I want to encourage YOU to send me your links to your stories and your helpful websites. Please send them to and we will get them posted here for other AuPairs to read!
Please be patient with us and let us know what you want to read and send us what you think others will find interesting!