Make 2016 YOUR year – And the Winner is…

Its time to announce the winner of our giveaway!!!
And the winner is…
Congratulations Helena!!! You are the winner of the coaching program! You will receive a message on Facebook to get started with your coaching sessions. What a great way to start your AuPair-Adventure!
Please read on…
In life, action leads to results and for those who act, results lead to rewards.
Congratulations Sarah H. and Carlotta B., you were among the few who took action of thousands. You will be rewarded, too, because 80% of success is showing up. You will also receive the coaching program and I will be contacting you on Facebook.
The purpose of this coaching program is to create, develop, and clarify your list of dreams and goals of what you want to achieve during and after your AuPair-year. You will also learn strategies to achieve your dreams and goals and many other things!
Are you interested in what the coaching program offers?
Are you curious what the coaching program is and how it may help you before, during, or after your AuPair-year? Then please use this form to send us your questions.
On a side-note…
The team of Crazy-Aupairs is very thankful! We achieved more than 7,000 Facebook views with this giveaway! Please keep inviting your AuPair-friends and let us know what topics interest you.